Uncovering the Superstitions of Singapore: From Feng Shui to Lunar New Year

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Like many cultures around the world, Singaporeans have their fair share of superstitions. Here are some of the most common superstitions of Singapore:

1. Feng Shui

Feng Shui is an ancient Chinese practice that aims to create harmony and balance in the environment. Many Singaporeans believe in the principles of Feng Shui and consult experts to help them arrange their homes and workplaces for good luck and prosperity.

2. Numbers

In Singapore, certain numbers are considered lucky or unlucky. For example, the number 8 is considered lucky because it sounds like the Chinese word for prosperity, while the number 4 is considered unlucky because it sounds like the Chinese word for death.

3. Lunar New Year

The Lunar New Year is a significant event in Singapore, and many superstitions surround this holiday. For example, it is believed that cleaning the house on the first day of the New Year will sweep away good luck, so many Singaporeans avoid cleaning during this time.

4. Ghosts

Many Singaporeans believe in ghosts and spirits, and there are many superstitions surrounding these entities. For example, it is believed that the sound of a dog howling at night indicates the presence of a ghost, while placing a mirror facing the door can scare away evil spirits.

5. Food

There are also superstitions surrounding food in Singapore. For example, it is believed that eating long noodles during the Lunar New Year will bring good luck and longevity, while breaking chopsticks is considered bad luck.

6. Colors

Certain colors are also considered lucky or unlucky in Singapore. For example, red is considered lucky because it symbolizes prosperity and happiness, while black is considered unlucky because it is associated with death and mourning.

These are just a few examples of the many superstitions that exist in Singaporean culture. While some may seem irrational, they are deeply ingrained in the beliefs and traditions of the people and continue to be a significant part of their daily lives. Also learn about Mystery and Intrigue: Exploring the Most Mysterious Places in Singapore and Uncovering the Haunted Histories of Singapore: Eyewitness Accounts of Ghostly Encounters.

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