Hazy Weekend Ahead for Singapore Despite Decrease in Sumatra Hotspots: NEA

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Singaporeans may need to brace themselves for a hazy weekend, despite a decrease in the number of hotspots in Sumatra. The National Environment Agency (NEA) reported 126 hotspots on Friday, down from 176 the previous day. While this decline is a positive development, the NEA cautioned that moderate to dense smoke haze has been observed over southern and central Sumatra, signaling that the haze threat persists.

Persistent Haze Threat

Dry weather is expected to persist in Singapore and the surrounding region over the weekend, accompanied by stronger winds blowing mostly from the south. These conditions create an environment conducive to the transportation of haze particles from Sumatra to Singapore, leading to potential hazy skies.

The NEA’s 24-hour Pollutant Standards Index (PSI) forecast for Singapore on Saturday falls within the moderate range (51 to 100). As of 6 pm on Friday, Singapore’s 24-hour PSI readings ranged from 49 to 62, placing them within both the good (zero to 50) and moderate ranges.

The one-hour PM2.5 concentration readings, which measure fine particles in the air that can pose health risks, were within the normal range, ranging from 12 to 29 micrograms per cubic meter of air. The health impact of haze varies depending on an individual’s health, the PSI level, and the duration and intensity of outdoor activities.

Staying Informed and Safe

The NEA advises the public to stay informed and take precautions during hazy conditions. Checking the one-hour PM2.5 concentration readings before engaging in outdoor activities is recommended. Additionally, using the 24-hour PSI forecast and corresponding health advisories can help individuals plan their outdoor activities for the following day.

As the haze situation remains dynamic and subject to changes in wind patterns and hotspot occurrences, Singaporeans are encouraged to stay vigilant and prioritize their health and safety. Monitoring official updates and adhering to the guidance provided by the NEA will be essential to navigate the hazy conditions expected over the weekend.

Also learn about Navigating the Haze: How to Stay Safe in Singapore in our previous article.

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