Perseid Meteor Shower to Peak in Singapore on August 12 and 13

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Skygazers in Singapore are in for a celestial treat as the Perseid meteor shower is set to peak from the evening of August 12 through the early hours of August 13. If the weather cooperates and skies remain clear, the meteor shower will be visible across the island.

Best Viewing Times

The Perseids will be most visible after midnight when the radiant point of the shower rises higher in the sky and the moon sets. The radiant point is the area in the sky from which the meteors seem to originate, and as it ascends, the chances of spotting meteors increase.

Expected Meteor Count

According to the National University of Singapore (NUS) Astronomical Society, observers can anticipate seeing approximately three to seven meteors per hour during the peak. These estimates are based on independent calculations and take into account local visibility conditions.

Viewing Tips

No special equipment is necessary to enjoy the Perseid meteor shower, as it can be viewed with the naked eye. The NUS Astronomical Society recommends finding a dark location with an unobstructed view of the sky for the best experience. Observers should give their eyes some time to adjust to the darkness to improve their chances of seeing meteors.

A Natural Spectacle

The Perseid meteor shower is an annual astronomical event caused by Earth passing through the debris left behind by the comet Swift-Tuttle. As the debris enters Earth’s atmosphere, it burns up, creating bright streaks across the night sky. This meteor shower is known for its bright, fast-moving meteors and is considered one of the most popular showers to observe.

Preparing for the Event

Those interested in witnessing the meteor shower are encouraged to check weather forecasts for clear skies. It is also advisable to arrive at viewing spots early to find a comfortable place to sit or lie down. As always, patience is key when observing meteor showers, as the number of visible meteors can vary.

By taking advantage of this opportunity, Singaporeans can enjoy a stunning display of natural fireworks and marvel at the wonders of the universe.

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