CNA poll shows majority support for English proficiency as a criterion for citizenship application in Singapore

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According to a recent poll commissioned by CNA, the ability to communicate in English was ranked as one of the top three most important criteria for assessing new citizenship applications in Singapore, alongside economic contributions and family ties to the country. The poll surveyed Singapore-born citizens aged between 18 and 69, and a total of 78% felt it was important for new citizens to be able to communicate in English. Additionally, 53% of respondents said that new citizenship applications should be rejected if they could not communicate in English.

Implementation of the English test

While some have suggested that an English test be implemented to assess a person’s application for citizenship or permanent residency in Singapore, others, including Assistant Professor Shannon Ang from Nanyang Technological University, believe that such a test could unfairly favour those who have more resources. Instead, he suggests creating environments where immigrants see the need and value in learning English, such as offering opportunities for new citizens or permanent residents to “volunteer in racially diverse settings”.

It is Important to Evaluate Not Only the Knowledge of English

Fellow sociologist Tan Ern Ser from the National University of Singapore agrees that the focus should be on assessing whether applicants have shown significant evidence of integration into Singapore society and acceptance of shared values and ethos, rather than solely on their English proficiency.


Overall, the poll results suggest that the majority of Singaporeans believe that English proficiency should be taken into consideration when assessing new citizenship applications, with the understanding that it is a crucial component of effective communication and integration into Singaporean society. Also learn about Legalizing Your Residence in Singapore: Tips for Expats in our article.

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