In a world where life expectancy continues to rise, the prospect of living beyond 100 years old is becoming increasingly common. But what are the secrets to living such a long and healthy life? While there are no guarantees, we can learn a lot from the experiences of those who have already surpassed this remarkable milestone. Here are some of the secrets of longevity shared by centenarians:
Keep moving
- Many centenarians credit their long lives to staying active. Exercise doesn’t have to be intense, but it should be regular. Whether it’s taking a daily walk or practicing yoga, getting your body moving every day is crucial.
“As long as I can walk, I’ll keep walking,” says 106-year-old Eileen Kramer, an Australian dancer and choreographer. “I’m not one to sit down.”
Eat well
- A healthy diet is also key to living a long life. Many centenarians recommend a plant-based diet with lots of fruits and vegetables. While some indulge in moderation, many avoid processed and junk foods altogether.
“I don’t eat anything that has a package on it,” says 102-year-old Ruth Benjamin, a retired nurse from California. “I eat a lot of vegetables, fruit, and whole grains.”
Stay curious and engaged
- Staying mentally engaged and curious about the world around you can help keep your brain sharp and your outlook on life positive.
“I read a lot of books and newspapers, and I stay up to date on current events,” says 101-year-old Salustiano Sanchez, the world’s oldest man in 2013. “I also play a lot of dominoes.”
Maintain social connections
- Strong social connections are also important for longevity. Many centenarians credit their families, friends, and communities for helping them stay healthy and happy.
“I think having a lot of friends has helped me live this long,” says 103-year-old Dorothy Williams, a former schoolteacher from Texas. “I keep in touch with my family and friends, and I go to church every Sunday.”
Have a positive attitude
- Finally, many centenarians credit their longevity to a positive attitude. Maintaining a sense of humor and a positive outlook on life can help you weather the ups and downs of aging.
“I always try to look on the bright side of things,” says 104-year-old Flossie Dickey, a resident of Washington State. “Life is good, even when it’s hard.”
While there’s no magic formula for living to be 100 years old, these secrets to longevity can help us all live longer, healthier lives. By staying active, eating well, staying curious and engaged, maintaining social connections, and having a positive attitude, we can all increase our chances of living to a ripe old age. As 108-year-old Dorothy Ellis of North Carolina says, “I just keep going, one day at a time.” You may also be interested in 10 Key Factors for Optimal Health After 50: A Comprehensive Guide to Aging Well.