Guinness World Records is a global reference book that records and recognizes extraordinary achievements, records, and feats of individuals and groups around the world. Singapore has contributed to the Guinness World Records in many ways, including setting records and holding titles. In this article, we will take a look at some of the Guinness World Records that were set in Singapore or by Singaporeans.
Largest Bubble Tea
- In 2019, a group of 50 students from the Republic Polytechnic in Singapore created the world’s largest bubble tea. The drink, which measured 2.4 meters tall and 1.7 meters wide, was made from 230 liters of tea, 60 kg of sugar, and 90 kg of pearls. The record was certified by Guinness World Records and earned the group a place in the record books.
Longest Human Dragon
- In 2013, a group of 2,353 students and staff from the North Vista Secondary School in Singapore formed the world’s longest human dragon. The human dragon, which measured 2.3 kilometers long, weaved its way around the school’s track and field area. The record was certified by Guinness World Records and still holds the title for the longest human dragon.
Largest Lego Tower
- In 2012, the students and staff of the Nanyang Polytechnic in Singapore built the world’s largest Lego tower. The tower, which measured 31.9 meters tall, was made from more than 500,000 Lego bricks. The record was certified by Guinness World Records and still holds the title for the largest Lego tower.
Most Nationalities in a Kissing Game
- In 2014, a group of 10 students from the Temasek Polytechnic in Singapore set the world record for the most nationalities in a kissing game. The game, which involved students from 24 different nationalities, saw participants kissing a single person from another nationality in a relay race format. The record was certified by Guinness World Records and still holds the title.
Most People Sitting on One Chair
- In 2018, a group of 41 students from the Singapore Management University set the world record for the most people sitting on one chair. The chair, which was a standard office chair, managed to hold all 41 participants for a total of 30 seconds. The record was certified by Guinness World Records and still holds the title.