Vaping Cessation Programs in Singapore: Supporting Individuals in Quitting Vaping

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With the rising popularity of vaping, concerns about its potential health risks have also emerged. In Singapore, where the government has taken proactive measures to regulate e-cigarettes and vaping products, there is a growing need for vaping cessation programs to support individuals who want to quit vaping. In this article, we will explore some of the vaping cessation programs available in Singapore, highlighting their objectives and approaches to help individuals kick the habit.

Health Promotion Board’s Quit Smoking Clinics

The Health Promotion Board (HPB) operates Quit Smoking Clinics across Singapore, offering support for individuals who wish to quit vaping or smoking. These clinics provide counseling services, behavioral therapy, and medication assistance to help individuals overcome nicotine addiction. The programs are conducted by trained professionals who tailor their approach to meet the needs of each participant. The Quit Smoking Clinics also offer educational resources and follow-up support to ensure long-term success.

National Addictions Management Service (NAMS)

NAMS, under the Institute of Mental Health, offers a comprehensive range of addiction treatment services, including vaping cessation programs. NAMS provides personalized counseling and therapy sessions to address the underlying reasons behind vaping addiction and develop effective strategies for quitting. The programs may include individual or group counseling, behavioral therapy, and support groups. NAMS also collaborates with other healthcare professionals to offer holistic care for individuals seeking to quit vaping.

Singapore Cancer Society’s Smoking Cessation Program

The Singapore Cancer Society (SCS) runs a dedicated Smoking Cessation Program that extends its support to individuals looking to quit vaping as well. The program offers counseling sessions, behavioral therapy, and nicotine replacement therapy to help individuals manage cravings and withdrawal symptoms. SCS provides a supportive environment where participants can share their experiences, receive guidance, and access resources to stay motivated during the quitting process.

Polyclinics and General Practitioners

Many polyclinics and general practitioners (GPs) in Singapore offer smoking cessation services that can be adapted to vaping cessation as well. These healthcare providers employ various approaches, including counseling, behavioral interventions, and prescription medications, to assist individuals in their journey to quit vaping. The advantage of seeking help from polyclinics and GPs is the convenience of accessible healthcare professionals who can provide personalized advice and support throughout the quitting process.

Online Resources and Mobile Apps

In addition to formal cessation programs, there are numerous online resources and mobile apps available to individuals seeking to quit vaping. These resources provide information, tools, and support to help individuals track their progress, manage cravings, and stay motivated. Some popular apps include “Smoke Free – Quit Smoking Now” and “QuitNow! Quit smoking.”


Quitting vaping is a challenging journey, but with the right support and resources, individuals can successfully overcome their addiction. The vaping cessation programs in Singapore, such as those offered by the Health Promotion Board, National Addictions Management Service, Singapore Cancer Society, and healthcare providers, are instrumental in providing tailored support and strategies to individuals looking to quit vaping. By leveraging a combination of counseling, behavioral therapy, medication assistance, and online resources, these programs offer a comprehensive approach to help individuals break free from vaping addiction and improve their overall health and well-being. If you or someone you know is struggling with vaping addiction, reaching out to these cessation programs can be a significant step towards a healthier lifestyle.

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