Potential Haze in Singapore from Indonesian Hotspots

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Singapore may experience hazy conditions due to a recent surge in hotspot activities in Sumatra, Indonesia. On Sunday, September 3, 23 hotspots were identified, with 28 spotted the previous day, primarily in southern Sumatra, as reported by the National Environment Agency (NEA) on their Facebook page.

The forecast for the upcoming week indicates persistent dry weather over central and southern Sumatra. NEA warns, “The intensifying hotspot and smoke haze in the region could result in hazy conditions in Singapore.”

However, the smoke trails are currently at a considerable distance from Singapore and, given the southeast winds, are not directly heading towards the city-state. As of 4pm, Singapore’s 24-hour pollutant standards index (PSI) ranged between 45 and 76, indicating good to moderate air quality.

The NEA is vigilantly monitoring the situation. It’s worth noting that haze from Indonesian forest fires has been a recurring issue in the Southeast Asian region for many years.

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