Singapore Explores Nuclear Energy: A Future Option

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Singapore has made it clear that it hasn’t yet committed to the use of nuclear energy. However, the city-state acknowledges the importance of staying informed about advances in nuclear technology and safety protocols.

Exploring Diverse Energy Sources

During the Singapore International Energy Week, Minister for Trade and Industry Gan Kim Yong emphasized the nation’s position on exploring various low-carbon energy alternatives, including hydrogen and nuclear energy. The pursuit of diverse energy sources is crucial for a nation keen on reducing its carbon footprint and achieving a sustainable energy future.

Nuclear Energy: A Potential Contributor to Net-Zero Emissions

Singapore’s Energy 2050 Committee Report, released the previous year, had mapped out potential scenarios for the nation’s energy future. One of these involved nuclear energy, which was recognized as a viable power source to help the country reach its ambitious net-zero emissions target by 2050. The report suggested that nuclear energy could cater to nearly 10% of Singapore’s power requirements.

A Cautious Approach to Nuclear Power

While acknowledging the potential of nuclear power, Mr. Gan was quick to emphasize that the city-state hadn’t made any firm decisions regarding its adoption. Instead, the focus has been on building proficiency in nuclear safety, readiness for emergencies, and response mechanisms.

Remarking on a pre-feasibility study on nuclear energy conducted a decade ago, Mr. Gan pointed out that the technologies available at that time weren’t considered appropriate for Singapore’s needs. However, he also noted that with newer, safer, and potentially more cost-effective nuclear technologies emerging, it’s imperative for Singapore to develop the expertise necessary to evaluate these options critically when they become viable.


Singapore’s cautious yet open-minded stance on nuclear energy reflects its broader commitment to sustainable growth and ecological responsibility. By keeping its options open and staying updated on global advancements in nuclear technology, the nation ensures that it is prepared to make informed decisions about its energy future.

Als learn about The Future of Renewable Energy in Singapore: Meeting the Country’s Energy Needs Sustainably.

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