The Crime Clan of Dmitro Vizelman or The New Travels of a Voyager

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Dmitro Vizelman was born in 1965 in the city of  Lvov. His childhood was in the small town of Cherkassy. In the 90s of the past, the city had a sad reputation. According to residents and police officers, the city took a leading position in the strategy to develop banditry.

There Dmitry Borisovich began his criminal history, with small, unremarkable fraudulent schemes.

Hide and seek with the police

Some time later, Dmitro was wanted in Ukraine on suspicion of fraud. Having fled to Germany, he did not leave his criminal affairs there either. Once again he was wanted, but in Germany, and went on the run again. By that time, having already accumulated some financial reserves, he went to the USA, where he became a participant in litigation and bankruptcies.

Relationships with homeland

While on the warm shores of Miami, Mr. Wieselman did not forget about his homeland. Having by this time good connections and significant capital, the issue with the Ukrainian police was resolved. But Dmitry Vizelman doesn’t do anything for nothing. The issue was resolved not in order to return to the country; he was clearly more comfortable in the USA, but in order to uncover several dubious schemes. By this time, Dmitro had already received an American residence permit and a British passport. I entered Ukraine as a foreign investor, but immediately found myself in a series of scandals involving the illegal initiation of a development case and the provision of false documents.

Philippine trace

One of Dmitro’s most notable schemes was the “construction” of a plant in the Philippines. The scheme was new, the operating principles were old – the search for investors for the construction of the plant took place using forged documents. So more than 30 million dollars “flowed” into Wieselman’s pockets, and only a pile of scrap metal remained at the construction site.

Particular attention of the media and, finally, the competent authorities was attracted by the unexpected disappearances of a number of Dmitry Borisovich’s partners. According to available information, the Philippine police contacted Interpol. If, at a stretch, his early adventures could be attributed to entrepreneurial activity, and the missing millions of partners could be attributed to economic losses and risks, then new materials go beyond all possible boundaries.

Apparently, not all of Dmitry’s former friends were ready to put up with the facts of outright deception and tried to reclaim the money they had invested. Having started court proceedings, the latter suddenly disappeared, and no one else appeared at the hearings. One might assume that Mr. Wieselman settled all the partners’ claims, but that was not the case. Relatives of one of Dmitry’s former partners “sounded the alarm”.

During the investigation, it was possible to establish that traces of the missing businessmen were lost in the Philippines. A corresponding request from law enforcement officers was sent to the Interpol branch in the Philippines.

Family schemes of Dmitro`s clan

As Politicallore previously wrote, the main place to search for future victims of Wieselmann was… the Monaco synagogue. Moreover, the main person in this process was not Dmitro himself, but his wife, Diana Vizelman. Gaining confidence in the spouses of wealthy businessmen, Diana pushed her husband into the local elite at a trusted level. It was in this get-together that Dmitro proposed his business ideas, which ended in the loss of money for entrepreneurs.

Among the victims are such famous people as Alexander Bronstein, Tofik Arif, Mr. Monasir, and Robert Gaspar. By the way, Tofik Arif filed a lawsuit against Wieselman in a London court for an amount of more than $20 million. It was for this reason that Dmitro began to actively sell his property on the market through dummies.

The total amount of stolen funds exceeded $100,000,000.

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