Massive Robbery in King Albert Park Leads to Charges Against Malaysian Suspects

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In a bold crime that shook the King Albert Park neighborhood near Dunearn Road on April 18, a gang of robbers armed with parangs and baseball bats orchestrated a heist, making away with cash and valuables totaling over $4.3 million. This high-stakes robbery targeted 11 individuals at a residence, stripping them of significant amounts of money and high-value items.

International Arrests and Charges

The swift response from law enforcement led to the arrest of two Malaysians involved in the robbery. Goh Boon Tong, 28, and Muhammad Tauffiq Ahmad Fauzi, 32, were apprehended in Malaysia and subsequently charged in a Singapore district court on May 2. The duo is accused of participating in the robbery with three or more accomplices around 2 a.m. on the day of the incident.

Details of the Stolen Goods

Among the stolen items were various currencies totaling more than $3.9 million, which were taken from a 29-year-old woman. Additionally, a 31-year-old man was deprived of a luxury watch valued at $320,000 and a Ferrari car key worth $400.

Ongoing Investigation

Following the robbery, the suspects fled to Malaysia, where local authorities captured Goh and Tauffiq. They were extradited back to Singapore on April 30. Singapore police are collaborating with Malaysian authorities to track down the remaining members of the gang.

The charged individuals face severe penalties if convicted of armed gang robbery, including up to 20 years in prison and a minimum of 12 strokes of the cane, reflecting the seriousness of their alleged crimes.

Also learn about Joint Effort by Singapore and Hong Kong Police Recovers Over S$370,000 in Scam Incident.

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